A to Z Winery Artist in Residence

Newberg, Oregon: Along with environmental and wellness initiatives, A to Z Wineworks supports literacy and the arts. The liberal arts can enrich lives and expand vision through engagement with diverse, thoughtful perspectives that help us grow as human beings. The winery’s art residency program offers an immersion within a dynamic setting far from an artist’s usual surroundings and obligations. The time and space afforded after the initial harvest enables an artist to reflect and expand their work in a fascinating new environment. They might produce an individual project, a body of work in response to the winery, or continue developing their course of study and exploration.

Deadline: June 5, 2024

Jean B Font

We’re visual artists providing resources and marketing for artists to grow and thrive.


32nd Annual Emerald Coast National Juried Art Exhibition


McColl Center Winter/Spring 2025 Artist-in-Residence Program