Open Job Listings

School of the Art Institute of Chicago – Assistant Professor in Arts Administration and Policy (Tenure-Track)

Seeking candidates from arts administration and/or tangent disciplines and practices who will help SAIC advance the work of continuously imagining and building curricular environments in which future leaders of cultural platforms of all kinds can grow, connect, experiment, and redefine the future.

Priority Deadline: January 8, 2024 |


School of the Art Institute of Chicago – Assistant Professor in Art and Technology (Tenure-Track)

Seeking candidates with expertise in kinetics, robotics, and electronic studio art — or whose practice might include robots and other autonomous machines, self-contained moving objects and installations, pneumatic and airborne systems, remote-controlled devices, wearable technologies, bio-electronic experiments, and other kinetic, robotic, and electronic works.

Priority Deadline: January 8, 2024 |


School of the Art Institute of Chicago – Assistant Professor in Art Therapy and Counseling (Tenure-Track)

Seeking candidates with a strong interest in art therapy and counseling research that complements the department’s frameworks in social justice, critical theories of difference, and disability justice.

Priority Deadline: January 8, 2024 |


School of the Art Institute of Chicago – Assistant Professor in Fiber and Material Studies (Tenure-Track)

Seeking candidates who are well-versed in a broad range of weaving and warp dyeing techniques, and who are able to teach floor loom and jacquard weaving at the intermediate and advanced levels.

Priority Deadline: January 12, 2024 |


School of the Art Institute of Chicago – Assistant Professor in Film, Video, New Media, and Animation (Tenure-Track)

Seeking practicing media artists working in innovative, alternative forms of filmmaking who exhibit in the US and/or internationally. Their work may manifest in a variety of ways: non-fiction, narrative and experimental film, video, and time-based installation.

Priority Deadline: January 8, 2024 |


School of the Art Institute of Chicago – Assistant Professor in Liberal Arts (Tenure-Track)

Seeking literary scholars with a focus on global literatures; diasporic and postcolonial studies; environmental/eco-critical approaches to literature; and/or literary theory and history from the 19th century to the present.

Priority Deadline: January 5, 2024 |


School of the Art Institute of Chicago – Assistant Professor in Printmedia (Tenure-Track)

The successful candidate will instruct primarily in the area of artists’ books and publications with the possibility of teaching risography, comics, graphic novels, offset lithography, graduate projects, and/or other classes within their sphere of expertise.

Priority Deadline: January 15, 2024 |


School of the Art Institute of Chicago – Assistant Professor in Writing (Tenure-Track)

Seeking poets who can contribute creative, engaged pedagogy with an expansive understanding of poetry’s history and potential, including its intersections with other writing, art, and design disciplines and studio practices as well as its range of social and technological inflections.

Priority Deadline: January 8, 2024 |


School of the Art Institute of Chicago – Director of the Low-Residency MFA Program

This tenured faculty position at SAIC will serve in a leadership role for students pursuing artistic, writing, and critical practices in an interdisciplinary environment.

Priority Deadline: October 1, 2023 |


School of the Art Institute of Chicago – F. H. Sellers Professor in Painting

Seeking artists whose studio practice incorporates painting and drawing or who work in the expanded field. Knowledge of contemporary critical and theoretical issues in painting, drawing, and expanded practices is expected. Teaching experience commensurate with that of a tenured professor is required, as is a national and international exhibition record.

Priority Deadline: January 3, 2024 |


ACA Downtown: Arts on Douglas Gallery


Call for Proposals - NYC