Yossi Peled

Yossi Peled is an Israeli born artist who lives in Miami Beach . He works exclusively with metal, combining construction wire with differently sized wire mesh, to create small and monumental works the challenge the inherent limitations of the medium. Yossi‘s passion for using recycled object and raw materials emerged as soon as he began to study art. His early work - abstractions created from found objects - morphed progressively over the years into the body of work you are seeing today: Timeless representations of figures and characters in a medium that defies the very notion of what a sculpture is and should be.

In Yossi’s hands, a plain wire can be bent over and over, twisted in all directions, and hammered repeatedly until it metamorphoses - almost magically - into sculptures that are inspired by the strength of a gaze, the essence of the human body or by the extravagance of a fashion icon. 

“I draw with wire metal.” - Yossi Peled.