Betting on collaboARTive

The All-in Bet on Miami's Community: Why Supporting collaboARTive is a Win

“U.S. Casinos Won $66.5B in 2023, Their Best Year Ever as Gamblers Showed No Economic Fear

New figures from the gambling industry show America's commercial casinos won more than $66 billion from gamblers in 2023, the industry’s best year ever” (US News & World Report)

America's commercial casinos saw unprecedented success in 2023, but even in the high stakes game of national economics, it's hard to ignore the quieter, personal victories that community support generates. The statistics speak for themselves: two-thirds of Americans contribute to nonprofits, yet this prestigious figure is often dotted with small, yet heartfelt donations that rarely exceed $100. Miami's local charity and art center, collaboARTive, is testament to the immense impact even the modest contributions can make.

It's a resounding message for Miami residents and tourists alike: your dollar wagers can make a substantial difference in the fabric of your community. As the city's reliance on its renowned entertainment industry and consumer culture stands unshakable, it's the collaborative, community-driven platforms like collaboARTive that maintain the beating heart of the Magic City. But what does it mean to 'bet on the community,' and how do these microscopic individual actions pull together to form macroscopic change?

The Collective Power of the Community

The American Gaming Association's announcement not only underlines the staggering scale of commercial gambling but also highlights that community remains at the core. Consumers pouring billions into the gambling industry are inadvertently indicating a shared comfort in wagering—on everything from entertainment to economic opportunity— even when the odds are slim.

In contrast, a contribution to collaboARTive can be seen as a small wager on community growth, a dividend unlikely to yield a mansion in the hills but guaranteed to enhance the local landscape of art and social programs. And herein lies the pivotal distinction: when you support collaboARTive, you're not just supporting the dividends of art and culture; you're investing in Miami's future.

A recent Open Studio Night at collaboARTive, preparing for guests to arrive.

The Non-gambling Essential: Investing in Art and Community

Some may argue that giving to the arts is a gamble without the glint of casino riches, but to a discerning eye, the lack of glitz is more than compensated for by the depth of community development art instigates. Support for collaboARTive is not a speculative venture but rather a strategic, certain investment in the enhancement of Miami's social and economic landscape.

In 2023, collaboARTive contributed to more than $16K to the local economy through direct payments to arts professionals as part of Noche de Arte. The art activation and solo exhibition has featured more than 21 artists and welcomes visitors from around the world, sharing Miami’s unique art and culture in a warm and inviting venue.

In the End, It's About Community

The ringing slots and cheering patrons in casinos on the other side of the country tell a story of action, excitement, and indulgence. In sunny Miami, the quiet hum that rises from collaboARTive is a call to conversation, creativity, and community. It's not about choosing one over the other but recognizing the beauty of balance in supporting both individual entertainment and communal enhancement.

Every dollar you donate to collaboARTive is not just a number; it's a brushstroke and a story waiting to unfold. It's an affirmation of your belief in the local arts, an investment in the creative capital that makes Miami the vibrant, diverse, and culturally rich metropolis it is renowned to be.

Take Your Seat at the Table

The successes of the gaming industry are indeed commendable, but they do not monopolize the scorecard for community enrichment. Miami's arts community is built on a balance of economic powerhouses and grassroots initiatives that continually seek to uplift and enhance. As the adage goes, 'the house always wins,' but in Miami, the real victories are shared by those who commit to the collective cause.

It's time to place your wager on Miami's shining stars of art and culture. Every contribution to collaboARTive is a bet that moves far beyond the whims of chance—it's a strategic action towards a purposeful and rewarding future for Miami and its residents. Your seat at the table awaits; it's time to be part of the conversation.

Place your bet on collaboARTive - become a member or make a donation. Each of these can be a one-time roll of the dice, or you can let it ride, and make recurring donations.

Jean B Font

We’re visual artists providing resources and marketing for artists to grow and thrive.

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