Gottlieb Foundation (New York, NY)

Adolf and Esther Gottlieb Foundation Individual Support Grant

Deadline: FEBRUARY 18, 2023

Applications for the 2023 Individual Support Grant will be available on October 12, 2022.

The annual application deadline for the 2023 Individual Support Grant application form is January 18, 2023.

The Foundation wishes to encourage artists who have dedicated their lives to developing their art, regardless of their level of commercial success.

Please note that these grants are available only to mature individual visual artists. The Foundation defines maturity in this case as having worked for 20 years or more in a mature phase of art.

The Gottlieb Foundation does not fund organizations, educational institutions, students, graphic artists, or those working in crafts. The disciplines of photography, film, video, or related forms are not eligible unless the work directly involves, or can be interpreted as, painting or sculpture. The Foundation does not fund exhibitions, installations, or projects of any kind.

Last year, the Foundation awarded grants of $25,000 each to 20 artists.

More details at Mn Arts.


Miami Shores Fine Arts