Living a creative life: Unlocking your inner artist

Living a creative life is essential for living a rich and full life. Creativity can be found in all aspects of life, from careers to hobbies, and it can help us explore new possibilities, discover new things, and express ourselves.

Creativity is often seen as something that only certain people are “gifted” with, but the truth is that everyone has the capacity for creativity. It’s just a matter of tapping into it and allowing yourself to explore your creative side. Even if you don’t think of yourself as “creative”, there are still ways to develop your creative style. For example, you could try taking classes or workshops in art or design, reading books on creativity and inspiration, or even just experimenting with different materials or techniques.

Creativity can also be used to help us cope with difficult situations in our lives. When we feel stuck or overwhelmed by our circumstances, creativity can provide an outlet for our emotions and help us find solutions to our problems. It can also be a great way to relax and de-stress after a long day.

Finally, creativity can bring joy into our lives in unexpected ways. Whether it’s through making art or music, writing stories or poems, creating something out of nothing – these activities can give us a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that nothing else can match.

collaboARTive believes that creativity doesn't have to be hard work - in fact, we encourage it as Creative Play through our monthly event, Collage and Connect. This online collage group meets once a month, bringing together creatives from all over the world. We explore creative techniques and tools, discuss our works in progress, and inspire each other to keep creating. During these fun and inspired gatherings, we share resources such as tutorials and tips.

Are you ready to join our online collage group? Experience the power of creativity and connect with other like-minded individuals by signing up for Collage and Connect! You'll have the opportunity to participate in monthly virtual meetings, share your creative work, and gain valuable insights from others. Unleash your creativity – sign up today!



Jean B Font

We’re visual artists providing resources and marketing for artists to grow and thrive.

Wolfsonian Research Fellowship


Celebrating One Year of the Noche de Arte Live Painting Events at the InterContinental Miami Hotel